Special Teachers can and do make a difference every day in the lives of students. Nominate a Teacher below by telling us what make them special to you.

In appreciation of the Teachers that devote themselves to their profession, The Vine is featuring and awarding a Teacher every month in 2021. We will recognize and celebrate Teachers based on their contributions to the school, excellence in the zoomroom/classroom, leadership, community involvement, and any other positive criteria you deem worthy. Winning Teachers will receive a visit from us and a prize pack!

Congratulations to April’s Winner, Jennifer Can!


This month we are honoring Jennifer Can from Silverado Middle School and New Technology High School. She was nominated by Jennifer Stromman, who had this to say about Ms. Can:

“Ms. Can is dedicated professional who is a creative teacher who makes deep and meaningful connections with her students, colleagues, and community. Her ‘to-do’ list and complex scheduling exceeds anything that a standard planner, color coding or pad of sticky notes could help organize, yet Ms. Can makes it happen. She is a true inspiration and is making a difference in our world – one day at a time.”

March’s Winner, Jessica Rose!

This month we are highlighting teacher Mrs. Rose for her lasting impact on students. Nominated by Kacy (Mom) and Sammie (daughter) with this lovely note:

“My Daughter had her 3 years ago and still talks about how fabulous she is. Mrs. Rose has creativity for days, connects one on one with each of her students, makes everyone feel special because she cares, and most of all, she makes learning fun!”

A warm thank you to Mrs. Rose, teacher at Alta Heights! 🎉

Nominate A Teacher Below:

Teacher Feature

  • If you want to remain anonymous, we can do so. We just need someone to contact if/when your nominee wins and coordinate how we surprise them.

Interested in Sponsorship Opportunities for this community feel-good feature or any others, please email: Advertising@WineDownMedia.com

Contest Rules: No purchase is necessary to enter any 99.3 FM “The Vine” contest. Any currently employed teacher, instructing Kindergarten through college students at a Napa Valley school is eligible to be nominated as our “Teacher Feature.” Nominations will be accepted beginning January 21, 2021 and will be accepted up to 11:59 PM on Friday, November 30, 2021. The nomination must include the teacher’s full name (first and last name), the school where they instruct, and an up-to 150-word explanation of why the teacher should be the “Teacher Feature.” An individual can submit one teacher nomination during the contest period. Once submitted, the teacher remains nominated for the entire contest period. Each month’s teacher will be selected in a random drawing from all eligible entries around 8A on the 1st weekday of the following month. The nominator will be contacted by phone or email after their nomination was selected as the winner to try to surprise the winning teacher the following week.